Friday, July 5, 2013

Lucky Rain

Are you superstitious? 
I used think superstitions were silly old wives’ tale that parents used to “scare” their kids into behaving well.
My mother was extremely superstitious, everyday she would chime out some kind of warning or reminder. Below are some that I will never forget. 

☞ An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
☞ If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck.
☞ Break a mirror and you will have bad luck for seven years.
☞ Eat your crust. It is good for you and it is the best part of the bread.
☞ If you eat raw potatoes, you will get worms.
☞ It is bad luck if a bird flies into your house.
☞ Never put new shoes on a table. If you do, you are welcoming death into the   family.
☞ Don’t walk under a ladder.
☞ If you kill a spider, it will rain.
☞ If you spill salt, you must throw some over your left shoulder to avoid bad luck.  
☞ If you swallow your gum, it will stick to your ribs.
☞The number 13 is bad luck. I don’t know why, she never explained it.
☞ Never EVER open an umbrella in the house.
☞ If a bird poops on you, you will have good luck.
Why blog about superstitions when I have two deadlines just around the corner?
Last night, while at my son’s football practice, a mom was blessed by a bird. Yep … it pooped on her.  
Immediately, I said, “That’s a sign of good luck.”
Then my mind screamed, Why would I say that? Why is it good? Oh my God, I have become my mother!
For the remainder of practice, I continued to wonder.

❧ How did those superstitions begin?
❧ Who were those old wives’?
❧ And, were they drinking when they started those tales?

Today, I dug a little deeper and found (some) reasonable answers.
The bird bomb is “apparently” a one in a million shot. Nearly the same odds as picking winning lottery numbers.
Did it rain luck or did that bird decide it wanted to be a quarterback and that mom was the receiver?
It makes sense since we were at a football practice. Maybe the bird was wrapped up in the excitement of the scrimmage?
Personally, if it was raining luck, I don’t think it’s the kind of luck I would want. 

I think a horseshoe would be much better than a bird bomb.
That is, as long as the horseshoe is not flying at my head. :)

Which brings me back to my original question, are you superstitious? 
If so ... do you think it was lucky rain, and should that mom buy a lottery ticket?
If it is lucky then oh how I wish my truck could talk and give me the winning numbers. 
The birds have been blessing my truck with luck daily!
Do you recall any "warnings" that are not on the above list? If so, please share.
As always, comments and feedback are welcome with open arms and closed umbrellas (when indoors)!


  1. Fun nice to just read and smile. LOL

    1. Thanks for visiting Dean.
      I was hoping this blog would bring smiles. :)

  2. My mom would say "knock on wood" and then she would do it. When I asked why, she said, "It is to prevent Karma from making me eat my words."
    The crazy part is that I do it too!

    Another was - If you swallow your gum you won't be able to go to the bathroom.

    It is funny all the superstitions we hear as we grow up. I remember as a kid being afraid to step on a crack. LOL Do you recall that saying?
    "Step on a crack, break your momma's back." Makes me laugh when I think of all the silly things we did as kids.

    This is a great blog, it's fun and it helps bring back childhood memories.

    Thanks Sass!

    Oh and I shared with all my New York friends and group.

    Looking forward to seeing you at the next book signing!

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting and commenting.

      I do recall that saying, and us kids skipping over the sidewalk cracks, unless we were angry. That's how we found out it wasn't true. LOL

      I'm looking forward to seeing you at the next event.

      As always, wishing you the BEST adventures in reading and in life!

  3. Great blog Sass, this brings back many many memories. Here's one that was big in our family; if you eat a watermelon seed you will grow watermelons in your tummy. I also remember one that was a bit sad that it wasn't true, if you make that face for to long it will freeze. Great laugh today, thank you!

  4. Great blog, really enjoyed the laughs, I know almost all of those superstitions you highlighted and even the ones talked about in comments.
    A couple that were big in my family:
    Don't eat watermelon seeds, they will grow in your tummy if you do
    Don't make that face or it will freeze (sad this never happened)
    Keep up the fantastic work!

    1. Hi Cat, and thanks so much for commenting.

      I do recall the watermelon one! I can't believe I forgot that one. LOL
      I never heard the frozen face one before, but I do recall my mom telling my brother, "If you do that, you'll go blind." :D

      Thank you for sharing and if you think of more please feel to add!
      Much <3 and brightest blessings!

  5. Hi Sass!

    I love visiting you blog weekly, and am a big fan of your books. I must say that New Raine and Secrets of Albion Falls are my top two favorite books, although I must admit I am IMPATIENTLY waiting for the sequel to Secrets and for Sweet Expressions to come out in print. I have been a fan of yours on Wattpad for two years, and I absolutely love everything you share!

    Two superstitions my mom was big on were:
    1) Bad things come in threes.
    2) The number 666 is the sign of the devil.

    A few years back, my mom and I were watching a talk show that Sylvia Brown was on, she explained that 666 is not a bad or evil number. My mom loves Sylvia Brown and I thought for sure she would lighten up, but no, she said “It looks like Sylvia was misinformed by a dark spirit.”

    It seems you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. (pun/superstition intended) :)

    Now that I’m a little older, I’ve found that both good and bad news come in threes. I don’t know if it’s a superstition or if it’s an old saying that we’ve heard so much that we try to find a way to connect good fortune or mishaps that we wouldn’t normally connect.

    One thing I know for sure is that when I have a family of my own, I’ll try my best to not install same superstitions into my children, but only time (and a husband) will tell if I keep that promise.

    Another great blog, Sass! I can’t wait for your next release and blog post!


    1. Hi Jenn, and thank you for visiting and commenting, it is greatly appreciated! :)

      I remember the three rule. My mom was the same, don't know how I forgot that one. Be it death, a win-fall or any type of news.

      It looks like this old dog seems to have forgotten some of the old tricks. LOL

      I am in the final stages of the first draft of What's Hidden Within - Secrets Series - Vol 2. This puppet lost control of that book a long time ago. I merely push the keys. It seems the characters are writing the book. :)

      From the bottom of my heart, I deeply thank you for your continued support.

      ~Sass :)
